Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Connective tissue

1. Remember that all connective tissue contains
  • -cells 
  • -fibers 
  • -collagen 
  • -elastic 
  • -reticular 
  • -ground substance (extracellular matrix) 
2. In photomicrographs, identify and give the location of all the types of connective tissue:
  • -fetal mesenchyme 
  • -mucoid connective tissue 
  • -loose, areolar fibrous CT (e.g., mesentery) 
  • -dense, irregular fibrous CT 
  • -dense, regular fibrous CT 
  • -elastic CT 
  • -reticular CT 
  • -adipose CT 
  • -white (unilocular) fat 
  • -brown (multilocular) fat 
3. Give the basic functions of the two major resident cells of connective tissue:
  • -fibroblasts 
  • -adipocytes 
4. Explain the role of the transient cells of connective tissue:
  • -macrophage 
  • -mast cell 
  • -plasma cell 
  • -leukocytes 
5. Define the terms “agyrophilia and metachromasia.”

6. List the general functions of connective tissues 

7. Name the germ layer(s) from which connective tissue cells derive and the embryonic tissues containing undifferentiated connective tissue cells  
8. List the two major classes of macromolecules that constitute ground substance
9. Describe adipose tissue as a connective tissue in terms of its cells, fibers, and ground substance.
10. Compare the three types of cartilage in terms of:
  1. Type, amount, and arrangement of cells, fibers, and ground substance
  2. Location in the body 
  3. Histogenesis 
  4. Function
11. Compare osteocytes with osteoblasts in terms of their shape, filopodia, amount of RER, location, and rate of matrix synthesis.

SUBMIT ANSWERS PER GROUPS OF 8 MEMBERS EACH TO apbautista@ceu.edu.ph before 2 pm today (12-7-16)
Additional points will be given to:
1st - 20 pts to CP and 5 pts to the quiz on Friday
2nd - 15 pts
3rd - 10 points

Post lab discussion will be on Friday (12-9-16) and a short quiz will be given on connective tissue and epithelial tissue (30 pts)


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