· A muscle impulse travels deep into the muscle fiber along T-tubule membranes
· A thick, fibrous connective tissue cord that attaches a muscle to a bone is a tendon
· A typical bone has the following major sets of blood vessels: nutrient; metaphyseal and periosteal
· Abundant molecules of hemoglobin give erythrocytes both their color and their ability to transport oxygen.
· Adipose connective tissue is most similar to areolar, but is unique among connective tissues in having relatively little extracellular matrix.
· Although they typically constitute 20-25% of all leukocytes, most lymphocytes reside in lymphatic tissues rather than blood.
· Areolar tissue is typically most closely associated with epithelia
· At each end of a long bone is an expanded, knobby region called the epiphysis
· Axon regeneration in the PNS involves neurolemmocytes in a process known as Wallerian degeneration
· Cardiac muscle: occurs only in the myocardium; is both striated and involuntary; contains intercalated discs
· Cartilage is composed of cells called chrondrocytes and may be surrounded by a covering called perichondrium
· Clots formed by platelets and blood proteins protects the body against blood loss
· Collectively, glial cells do all of the following: protect and help nourish neurons; guide young migrating neurons during development; provide a supporting framework for all nervous tissue
· Connective tissues perform all of the following functions: establishing the body's structural framework; defending the body from pathogens; transporting fluids and storing energy reserves
· Dense connective tissue has the fewest cells per unit volume
· Dense irregular connective tissue that forms a supporting layer around cartilage is called perichondrium
· Dietary factors necessary for normal bone growth should include Vit D
· Due to the fusion of embryonic myoblasts, skeletal muscle fibers get multiple nuclei
· Embryonic connective tissues include mesenchyme and Wharton's jelly
· Eosinophils phagocytize allergens and chemically attack parasitic worms
· Epithelial tissue develops embryonically from all three primary germ layers
· Erythrocytes are normally produced at the rate of about 3 million/sec.
· Erythropoiesis occurs in red bone marrow
· Fibroblast is the predominant cell type in areolar connective tissue
· Fibrocartilage is found in intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis
· Formed elements of blood: erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
· Functions of blood : transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide; regulation of body temperature; defense against infection
· Functions of bone: storage of mineral and energy reserves; production of blood cells; support and protection
· Hemopoiesis is the process of blood cell production
· Hyaline cartilage, articular ends of long bones; fibrocartilage, intervertebral discs and menisci; elastic cartilage, epiglottis and external ear
· In neurons, the abundant free and bound ribosomes are collectively called the chromatophilic substance
· In skeletal muscle fibers, calcium ions occur at varying concentrations at: in the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum; throughout the sarcoplasm; in regions where the thin and thick filaments overlap
· Interstitial growth of a bone occurs in the epiphyseal plate
· Intramembranous ossification produces the flat bones of the skull, some of the facial bones, the mandible, and the central part of the clavicle.
· Leukocytes are divided into two classes based on the presence or absence of visible organelles specific granules
· Leukocytes help initiate an immune response and defend the body against pathogens
· Ligament is a band of dense regular connective tissue that attaches two bones?
· Ligaments may be composed of either elastic or dense regular connective tissue
· Lymphocytes that manage and direct an immune response, in some cases directly attacking foreign cells and virus-infected cells, are classified as T-lymphocytes
· Mesenchyme: gives rise to all other connective tissues; is the first connective tissue to emerge in the embryo; persists as stem cells in some adult connective tissues
· Monocytes are agranulocytes that leave the circulation after a few days to become macrophages
· Neurons with numerous dendrites and a single axon are structurally classified as multipolar neurons
· Neutrophils: most numerous type of leukocyte in the blood; kill bacteria by secreting an enzyme called lysozyme; leave the blood to phagocytize pathogens in tissue spaces
· Oligodendrocytes: large, bulbous cells with slender cytoplasmic extensions
· Perforating canals and circumferential lamellae are components of compact bone, but not of an osteon
· Physical conditioning can effectively decrease the proportion of fast muscle fibers?
· Platelets: irregular, membrane-enclosed cellular fragments; less than one-fourth the size of an erythrocyte; normally about 120,000-300,000 per µl of adult blood
· RBC: they transport oxygen from the lungs to body tissues; their plasma membrane contains many surface antigens; when mature, they have no nucleus or other organelles
· Reflecting their different needs, fast muscle fibers contain large glycogen reserves whereas slow fibers contain the oxygen-carrying pigment myoglobin
· Sarcoplasmic reticula extend into the sarcoplasm as a network of deep invaginations of the sarcolemma
· Satellite cells are unfused myoblasts
· Sensory nerves innervate the bone matrix and marrow cavity and the periosteum and endosteum
· Skeletal muscle : consists of long, cylindrical cells with multiple nuclei located at the periphery of the cell
· Spongy bone contains slightly larger osteons than compact bone
· Stacks of erythrocytes called rouleaux can pass through blood vessels barely larger than the diameter of a single erythrocyte.
· Structural categories of neurons include unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar
· Synaptic knob describes the expanded tip of an axon at a neuromuscular junction
· Synaptic knobs are to axons as motor end plates are to sarcolemmae, in that both are structural modifications involved in transmitting electrochemical signals across the synaptic cleft.
· The bundle of dense regular connective tissue that attaches a skeletal muscle to bone is called a tendon.
· The cell body of a mature neuron does not contain a centriole.
· The continual process of producing new formed elements of all kinds is called hemopoiesis
· The cytoplasm in a neuron cell body (or sometimes the entire cell body) is called the perikaryon
· The endosteum: covers all internal surfaces of a bone, such as the medullary cavity; active during bone growth, repair, and remodelling; is an incomplete cellular membrane
· The largest and most abundant of the CNS glial cells, astrocytes help form the blood-brain barrier.
· The layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the entire skeletal muscle is the perimysium
· The major functions of loose connective tissue include: occupying spaces between organs and supporting epithelia; supporting and surrounding blood vessels and nerves; organs, storing lipids, and facilitating diffusion
· The minute passageways in the bony matrix that allow osteocytes to communicate with each other are called canaliculi
· The slightly expanded tips of telodendria are called synaptic knobs
· The three types of granulocytes, named according to how their granules stain: neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
· The two primary components of whole blood are plasma and formed elements
· The word root glia, as in "glial cells," most nearly means glue
· Three basic components of connective tissue: Cells, protein fibers, and ground substance
· Through the process of endochondral ossification, a fetal hyaline cartilage model transforms into bone.
· Tiny, seed-shaped bones along the tendons of some muscles are classified as sesamoid bones or short bones
· Two classes of cells are found in connective tissue proper:P resident cells and wandering cells
· Types of skeletal muscle fibers include: fast; intermediate; slow
· Wandering cells that may occur in connective tissue proper: mast cells, neutrophils, and free macrophages
· Yellow bone marrow contains a large proportion of fatty tissue
Study also the previous reviewer posted 2 weeks ago.
Good Luck!
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